A Companion for Your Ketamine-Assisted Therapy: The Role of a Sitter

Anthony Mangia

Medical Review by

Ben Medrano, MD

Healing is a deeply personal journey, but it’s not one you need to walk alone. At Innerwell, along with your licensed clinician and therapist, we require that patients have a sitter present during their medicine-assisted therapy sessions. This requirement ensures that you’re supported, safe, and comfortable throughout the experience, allowing you to fully focus on your healing process.

This guide explores why having a sitter is essential and how to find the right person for the role.

What is a Sitter?

A sitter is an individual—often a friend, family member, or neutral party—who is physically present with you during your therapeutic sessions. Their role at Innerwell is to focus on your physical needs, ensuring that you’re safe and comfortable. They are not expected to offer therapy—that's the role of your clinician and therapist.

Read more about the role of a sitter in our detailed guide here

Why Innerwell Requires a Sitter

At Innerwell, we believe that a sitter is a critical component of the medicine-assisted therapy process. Having someone nearby to monitor your physical wellbeing provides peace of mind, allowing you to focus fully on the therapeutic experience.

By requiring a sitter, we aim to:

- Ensure your physical safety during sessions

- Support your comfort and help you stay grounded

- Enhance the effectiveness of the session by creating a calm, secure environment

Whether your session is in-person or virtual, the sitter should be physically nearby and within earshot, ready to assist if needed. Their presence creates a supportive environment without stepping into the role of a therapist.

What Does a Sitter Do?

Some of the key roles a sitter plays during your session include:

- Offering physical support if you request help or experience discomfort

- Staying within earshot to check in on your physical needs

- Being in direct contact with your clinician or therapist, should questions or concerns arise

The person you choose should be someone you trust to be nearby but not directly involved in the therapeutic process.

Finding the Right Sitter

For many clients, choosing a sitter is straightforward—it could be a partner, a family member, or a close friend. However, if you don’t have a direct support network, finding the right person may take some additional thought.

Here’s what to look for in a sitter:

- Trustworthy: Whether it's someone close to you or a vetted professional, the sitter must be reliable.

- Willing to focus on your physical needs: During the session, their attention should be on ensuring you’re physically safe and comfortable.

- Open-minded: It helps if they’re comfortable with medicine-assisted therapy or, at the very least, non-judgmental.

- Caring and patient: The ideal sitter will offer calm, steady support as you navigate your journey.

How Much Time is Needed?

You’ll need your sitter to be present for about 1.5 to 2 hours during the session, so choosing someone who lives nearby or can easily make the time commitment is ideal.

Does the Sitter Have to Be the Same Person Every Time?

It’s beneficial to have consistency, but it’s not a strict requirement. If needed, you can have different sitters across your sessions. However, having someone familiar with the process can bring continuity and comfort to your experience.

Asking Someone Close to Be Your Sitter

If you feel comfortable, asking a close friend or family member can be a great option. Here’s an example of how you might approach the conversation:

“I’ve been working on personal growth for my mental health and am using ketamine therapy as part of my healing journey. I’d love if you could be there for me during my session—it’ll only take about 1.5-2 hours, and I trust you to support me in this process.”

It’s common for friends or family to have questions about what the role entails. We encourage you to share our sitter guide with them to help them understand how they can support you.

Professional Sitters: A Reliable Option

If your close network isn’t available, or if you’d feel more comfortable with a neutral party, you can consider hiring a professional sitter. Services like Care.com allow you to find experienced individuals who can support you during your sessions. Rates typically range from $18 to $35 per hour, depending on your location and the individual’s experience.

When hiring a professional, always make sure to vet them—ask for references, proof of experience, and anything that would help you feel confident in their ability to support your journey.

Your Safety is Our Priority

Having a sitter ensures that your safety, comfort, and peace of mind are prioritized during your sessions. Whether you’re working with someone you know and trust, or bringing in a professional, their presence can make all the difference.

If you have any questions or need further assistance in choosing the right sitter, our team at Innerwell is here to help. We’re committed to supporting you every step of the way as you explore the path to healing.

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